7-7:30pm FREE food

7:30-8:30pm worship

Semester series: Life of David

What does it look like to live an ordinary, earthy, and real Christian life? Each week this semester we will be looking at various aspects of the life of David from two books of the Bible called 1 and 2 Samuel to see what an ordinary, earthy, and real Christian life looks like Why? Because David was an ordinary, earthy, and real person who really wanted to live for God but didn’t always do that so well. He really succeeded and really failed. He felt high highs and low lows. He was loved and hated, accepted and rejected. He had real friends and real enemies. He experienced real humility, real pride, real fear, real temptation, real conviction, real kindness, real forgiveness. He was a real person who wanted to live for God but wasn’t always good at it. But even though David wasn’t always good to God, God was always good to David. And that’s what the Christian life is all about. That’s what an ordinary, earthy, and real Christian life is all about.

Small Groups

*Check our Groupme for available times and locations

Bible Studies:

Weekly New Student/Freshmen, Guys & Gals groups

Community Groups:

Co-ed, typically once a month

Accountability Groups:

Weekly Men’s and Women’s groups


Weekly group of students and leaders

Weekly Events


Large Group Worship: 7pm AD Bruce


Lunch: 12pm Student Center
Volleyball: 1-3pm UH Rec Center


Discussions, debates, and dialogues to grow in our understanding of other faiths and to make some friends along the way!

Interfaith Dinner Dialogues: Every first Tuesday of the month from 5pm-7pm, free food, good discussion, at the AD Bruce Religion Center