Spring Events to Come!
Back to School Lunch
Join us the first week back as we meet in the Student Center South to welcome new and returning students over lunch. BYOL (Bring your own lunch).
Lynn Eusan Hangout
Come hang with us as we are out in Lynn Eusan Park on campus the first week back. We will have lots of games set up like volleyball, spike ball, corn hole, etc and giving out FREE FOOD.
Spring Kickoff
Kickoff the Spring Semester with us the second week of class! Date & Time TBD
Super Bowl Party
Whether you care about football or just the commercials, join us on Sunday February 9th as we put the game on, eat some great food, and play games.
Guys & Gals Events
We will be having various Guys & Gals events throughout the semester. Stay in the loop by checking our GroupMes.
Camping Trip
Join us for our annual camping trip in March! More details to come.
End of Year Party
Celebrate the end of the school year with us in May!
Summer Conference
Take a trip with us to Panama City Beach, Florida in May after finals! We will be with other RUFs across the country on the beach, worshipping, attending seminars, various sports tournaments, and much more.