“The church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints.”
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) is the official Christian campus ministry of the Presbyterian Church of America. Founded in 1973, RUF is now present on nearly 160 college campuses across the country, reaching students for Christ, and equipping them to serve Him.
We are a campus ministry that seeks to spread the “gospel” (literally, the “good news” of Jesus Christ) first through ourselves and then through the campus by word, deed, and lifestyle to bring about personal change, social healing, and cultural renewal. We do not intend to replace the church. Rather, we are an arm of the church that seeks to form a community for college students to be connected to one another and build each other up. We want you to be plugged into a gospel-preaching church and find community there as well.
Every student is welcome to join us at RUF. Regardless of your personal or religious background, you are welcome at RUF. We are here for the "convinced" and the "unconvinced," the lost, the found, the burned, bored, cynical, or spiritual. No matter where you are in your journey or what you’re struggling with, we’re here for you!
For more information about RUF, visit our national website here.